Moving From the Margins – Districts, Schools & Special Education


Presented on September 30, 2020

Audience questions and key remarks include:

  • Is serving special education students still a challenge, and top priority, for school leaders as schools reopen?

  • What are parents of special education students saying amidst these uncertain times?

  • How can people get involved with AASA, the Superintendent’s Association, ChanceLight, and the work that Tillie Elvrum is learning to support parents?

  • There is not blame to be placed; instead, we must come together to bridge a fragmented system that has existed one way for hundreds of years. Teachers desperately need it, families are demanding it, and our children deserve it.

  • One major issue that district leaders are facing is budget cuts and limited resources.

  • There are ways to prevent this situation from becoming a five-alarm fire.

  • Online teaching and learning can provide a rigorous education experience, but first, we need to ensure that students have the tools they need to succeed.


"Online education is not new to America, instead, it is new to most Americans."
Amy Valentine

"ChanceLight is working with 250 districts in 200 states across America to provide special education services that are direly needed. There is no common profile of school that we work with, instead, we find ways to deliver services to meet the unique needs of schools and their students."
Mark Claypool

"Kids need tools and resources to tap into their potential."
Tillie Elvrum

"Every child should have an Individualized Education Plan” to address their unique learning styles."
Dan Domenech

"Some students will come out of this experience inspired because of their exposure to personalized learning and innovative practices."
Tillie Elvrum


Dan Domenech,
Leading AASA for many years, leading the way with 36+ years as an educator, administrator, speaker and leader

Mark Claypool,
A social worker turned visionary on a quest to deliver high quality supports and telehealth to special needs students across America

Tillie Elvrum,
Advocate for education reform, school choice, and parent empowerment for 20+ years. Strong supporter of online and blended learning.

Lisa Mullis