Elissa Todd
I have access to links and other sources that can help with completing an assignment. I am also on my own time schedule. If I have events, sports, or appointments, I can work around them and do my assignments when I have the time.
– Elissa Todd
As a student who has taken several classes that were either blended or strictly online, I can say that they can bridge learning gaps for students. Teachers who instruct online learning courses provide a variety of sources and links that can benefit our class. When given the opportunity to take an online class or a blended class, I would choose a blended. There are many characteristics that help determine this decision for me. Typically, sources are provided with an assignment, and some teachers will put important links at the beginning of the class, while some will do both. These sources can be very helpful when completing assignments or even just having a better understanding of what the class may be about.
Having access to information on a topic is very useful and worthwhile when it comes to the education of the class. When given a choice between blended or online learning environments, many factors affect my preference. When it comes to taking an online class, as I have discussed I have access to links and other sources that can help with completing an assignment. I am also on my own time schedule. If I have events, sports, or appointments, I can work around them and do my assignments when I have the time. This helps me learn good time management skills. Additionally, I like the fact that I have access to the internet and if I do not understand something, I can go to the internet for help.
Comparing an online and blended course, I think the disadvantages of an online class outweigh the advantages. Although I listed many benefits of an online class, I feel much more comfortable in a blended learning environment. Technically, it is still online for the most part. But, I am able to meet face-to-face with my teacher. I can then ask questions and comprehend much more. Both learning environments have their benefits, but I personally would rather take a blended versus online class. My time spent in a traditional classroom was enjoyable. I never enjoyed getting up early, but I had hands-on learning experiences, I was able to work with classmates, and I could talk to the teacher personally.
As I have gotten older though, I have learned to appreciate online classes. I no longer have to get up so early and can catch up on sleep that I definitely need. I stay up late almost every night completing college work, so having that extra time to sleep seriously makes a difference. I may not be face-to-face with most of my teachers anymore, but I can always email them and I get a response within a reasonable time period. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to take online and blended classes. I can honestly say that they have positively affected my life.