Jadidah Dejoie
“In online school there are less distractions. There’s no other students around to make you feel like you have to fit in and do what the other kids do. You can really learn because that’s what school is for.”
– Jadidah Dejoie
For most of my life, my formal education has been in a traditional classroom. Personally, for me, I have always done well in school no matter what setting, so transitioning to online school wasn't troubling. But now being an online learner, I am seeing many of the benefits it has.
With online learning, there are fewer distractions and less stress. Whereas in a traditional school, it is easier to get sidetracked from doing your work and harder to stay focused. In a traditional school, it's hard to personalize your schedule based on your needs but with online schooling, it is very flexible and teachers are understanding and willing to help.
Also, I feel that in online school the teachers try to appeal to all of the students different learning types. In a traditional school, many of the teachers only teach one way, and if you don't understand the material the first time, they are reluctant to help and you fall behind. Because they are so many students, the teachers either don't have the time or don't care to take the time to help you learn.
“Online learning courses allow students to take charge of their education and be independent. It allows for a safe learning environment where children don’t feel afraid to ask questions. Within the classroom, students can more effectively learn at their own pace and have better access to the teacher if they need help.”
With such flexibility with online learning, students can also choose courses geared toward what they would like to pursue after high school or an interest they might think they have. It also gives the student a chance to take honors or advanced courses as well.
For me, many of the courses I chose were those that would prepare me for college-level work and that challenged me in areas I struggled with. Along with the courses I needed to graduate, I was able to take electives and humanities courses that interested me.