Mariah Mattson


“I knew that I could change my small corner of the world by going into a field that deals with mental illness.”

– Mariah Mattson

Growing up in a smaller community with bigger dreams than my school could contain, my online courses allowed me to pursue classes in my future career I wouldn't otherwise be able to take. My dream is to be a pediatric psychiatrist that takes patients with hearing disabilities, so I will need to not only need to know basic psychology, but also be fluent in sign language. These are the types of classes not offered at my school and the classes I was excited I had the opportunity to take.

I love the experiences I've had with my online classes. Everyone has a different way of learning and online classes compliment mine perfectly. I, personally, am usually a quick learner, but occasionally need to spend extra time on a certain topic.

Since online classes allow you to move at your own pace, I can quickly move through lessons I absorb well or spend several days on a topic that troubles me. In a traditional classroom however, this isn’t possible. Online truly positively affected my education.



West Branch, MI


Ogemaw Heights High School


Northern Michigan University