Mollie Petsche
Once I started courses online and had the freedom to choose from different curriculums, I was able to best meet what I required for a successful four years of high-school.
– Mollie Petsche
Online schooling is an opportunity that is overlooked by many students. It is often seen as disconnected and it is not optimal for a student's educational success. People believe that online schooling is not interchangeable with traditional classrooms, therefore making these assumptions and become disapproving of students who take said courses. I have attended Bridges Virtual Academy since I was in seventh grade, and have seen nothing but the opposite of these assumptions. This school and the teachers there want nothing but the best for me. They take into account how I learn, what academic dreams I have for the future, and the challenges I face when it comes to processing information. They prepare me for the future by challenging my abilities but always setting me up to succeed.
I have seen students with learning disabilities receive the help that they needed to succeed in their high-school careers. Help that they may not have acquired if they were in a traditional school with larger class sizes. I myself went through a period of time where my physical health affected my way of everyday life. But because of online schooling and my dedicated teachers, I was able to continue with my courses at a pace that was beneficial for my health, while staying on track with my graduation date of 2020. Something that may not have been possible if I were enrolled into a traditional classroom. When selecting online courses there are certain characteristics I look for before enrolling. I am a large hands-on and visual learner, having a curriculum that supports both is a large aspect I search for when selecting a new class.
Courses that provide meeting hours for students to discuss with their teachers is always something I look for. Having this option built within the class' format creates an environment where questions are welcomed and there is one-on-one instruction and clarification when needed. Unlike other traditional class styles I have attended I feel as though online schooling was the best decision for my education. In a traditional classroom setting, I had a hard time focusing in lecture-style classes and found it difficult to engross myself in the subjects being taught. Though there are many upsides to studying in a public building, I could not find the right balance for my learning style.
Once I started courses online and had the freedom to choose from different curriculums, I was able to best meet what I required for a successful four years of high-school. I was able to study and have more one-on-one interactions with my teacher, helping my academic abilities grow faster than ever before There are many opportunities that online schooling offers that I have yet to see in a traditional schooling environment. I have been able to see what I was learning and how it affects the world around me in first-person experiences. I have more freedom in choosing what courses I want to learn and invest my time in, thus shaping my future towards the knowledge I have gained early on.