Rebecca Havelka
I found that my time learning in a traditional classroom verses an online one is that people were a lot friendlier in an online setting.
– Rebecca Havelka
I have been home-schooled online through the K12 school, Michigan Virtual Charter Academy, since the sixth grade. With my seven years of experience, I have learned that online settings help students that are struggling or having problems in a traditional classroom. One of the ways that online classes bridge learning gaps is that it gives students the opportunity to work at their own pace. For example, some students in a traditional classroom can not focus from eight in the morning when school starts to about three o’clock when they are released from school. By working in an online setting, they would have the chance to take breaks when needed but would not have to worry about falling behind. I have found that for me personal it is easier to ask for help in an online setting, than a traditional one. In a traditional setting, I was always worried about what other kids would think if I asked a question or for help.
It is easier in an online classroom because they do not know me, and I do not know them. So, there is no reason to judge people. Another way online classes bridge learning gaps is that it gives people the chance to work around their schedules. One thing I love that I would not be able to do in a traditional classroom is complete tests and quizzes in the evening or on the weekend. This way I am able to spend a little extra time studying during the day, but still complete a quiz or test that evening. Another way is that by taking online classes there are more opportunities for advancement. One of the reasons I was able to take nine dual enrollment classes through my local community college is because I started taking high school courses in eighth grade.
When I was given the opportunity to pick classes for high school or dual enrollment, I always considered how and if I would be able to apply it in real life. For example, when picking my high school classes for this semester I looked into the ones that were related to agriculture and animals. I did this because I want to attend Michigan State University this fall to pursue a degree in animal science. I thought it would be a good opportunity to broaden my knowledge before I start taking in depth classes at college. This is why I ultimately decided to take a veterinary science class this semester through my high school.
Another thing that I look into when picking college classes is how many credits they are, as well as taking into consideration if I had taken courses like those before. This was important for me because when I first started online schooling it was very overwhelming and stressful for the first couple of weeks. Once I got into a routine and stuck to a schedule for completing my assignments it was smooth sailing afterwards. My first semester that I did dual enrollment classes I started off with a five-credit class with a lab. I am glad that I decided to take only the one course because it gave me a chance to learn how college classes work and what is expected of me. As time went on, I felt more comfortable taking college courses and decided to take on a heavier class load. This semester I am taking ten credits.
I found that my time learning in a traditional classroom verses an online one is that people were a lot friendlier in an online setting. I think that this is due to the fact that when in a traditional classroom people sometimes just say what they feel and do not think about how other people might interpret it. Sometimes resulting in others being offended. Whereas, in an online setting a person has a little bit longer to think about the message they are typing and have the option to hit send. This cannot be done in a traditional classroom, and in many cases the damage has already been done. I also felt that in an online setting it was easier to speak up for myself and make my own choices that were not influenced by other people. When I was in a traditional classroom, this was something that I really struggled with. It is because of online schooling that my confidence has grown, and it is easier for me to give my opinion without worrying what others might think or say. Online schooling has changed me for the better and I can truly say that it has had a large role in making me who I am today.