Payton Grover
“Blended learning has helped me to become responsible, independent, a critical thinker, a problem solver, and to choose to learn.”
– Payton Grover
In seventh grade, I began a blended learning program. I took high school health from IDLA so that I could take college courses in high school. I took a few online classes a year for the next three years. In my junior year, it was difficult to decide which classes would help me most and what college classes I should take. I took history and government classes to put me ahead, as well as IT tech language courses. During my senior year, life became much harder for me. I decided to take as many classes as I could for college credit that pertained to the degree in technology I will pursue. I took Calculus 2, JavaScript, HTML, Intro to Programming, and several other general classes. My second semester of senior year I earned 18 college credits. At the same time, I was working full time: first as a legislative Page for the education committee at the capital, then at a retail store.
“Before taking online classes I was not challenged and school was a breeze. I didn’t try hard, nor did take responsibility for my learning. Once I got into an online learning program I found that I had no one to blame but myself... This led me to become an independent critical thinker. ”
I know how to find answers and I know that it is okay to not know the answers. I have found a process to understand and master skills. I’ve learned to love learning. I want information and I have a desire to understand the unknown. I found classes that held my interest and led me to new discoveries. I found my own path and created a plan for college and life from it. I think the most important thing I have found, however, is that I have the choice to learn. Nobody can force another to learn. Blended learning has helped me to become responsible, independent, a critical thinker, a problem solver, and to choose to learn.