William Grgantov
“I am incredibly satisfied with my decision to complete high school through online curriculum and wholeheartedly suggest other students participate in the online learning experience.”
– William Grgantov
While I did not have any specific educational deficiencies or gaps while attending a traditional brick-and-mortar school, I have found that completing online coursework for my entire high school tenure has been beneficial by allowing me to develop an invaluable skillset, especially one that will help make the transition to college much smoother. From time management to self-accountability and organization, I have been able to nurture these skills because of the different structure of the online coursework from that of a traditional, physical classroom...
(My) main reason for enrolling in online coursework was for the flexibility that it provided; primarily being able to travel for music-related activities that I participated in. Completing online coursework has also allowed me to learn the course material at my own pace (while still having deadlines) and thus I was able to fully understand the content. It was only after I had completed a few online courses that I realized that my learning capabilities were now not subject to the teacher’s pace of teaching, the teacher’s ability to teach, or potential distractions from other students (as in a traditional classroom setting).
In all, I am incredibly satisfied with my decision to complete high school through online curriculum and wholeheartedly suggest other students participate in the online learning experience. As online students, we are pioneers of the future of education and this is an exciting realization and group to be a part of.