Micah Johnson
“By collaborating with local supporters, our school has extended the reach of this pilot to include an emphasis on post-secondary readiness and wildlife conservation.”
– Micah Johnson
Students based in a low income, rural farming town in southeast Alabama often walk a line between their own personal drive to become academically competitive, and their community’s need to support their region’s ever-diminishing number of farmers.
The Innovative Educator Prize is helping these students to bridge the gap between their rural environment and the abundance of resources available to them via technology.
This pilot funded by the grant allowed their school to supply iPad Minis to their students. Via these iPads, these students are using the intersection between technology and their education to advance their understanding of agricultural studies: how to grow crops, how to farm, how to collaborate with their local university for additional support in conservation and agricultural efforts, and how to support their community’s agricultural background and needs.
Born at Headland Middle School, this innovative program has grown to include several partners, including Alabama University's Extension Program and the National Wild Turkey Federation. By collaborating with local supporters, this school has extended the reach of this pilot to include an emphasis on post-secondary readiness and wildlife conservation as well.