Paige Mitchell
“Students learn by doing and giving them the hands-on tools to use make the learning experience so much more meaningful! My passion is teaching students how they learn and blended learning does just that!”
– Paige Mitchell
I am a Digital Integration Specialist in South Carolina. This grant is important to me because of the opportunities that can be given to students. We live in a highly technology proficient time, students are very "tech savvy" and can navigate tools better than most adults can. To keep students engaged, we have to have interesting lessons and activities that peak student curiosity. Using technology to blend with current content allows for engagement to happen. I have the opportunity to work with students in all grade levels. Being able to provide opportunities to personalize learning for students is important in the world we live in. Students learn by doing and giving them the hands-on tools to use make the learning experience so much more meaningful! My passion is teaching students how they learn and blended learning does just that! My ah-ha moment about the power of blended learning is watching children make connections and learn on their own level through personalized instruction.
Our school district is 1:1 with Chromebooks for students in K-12th grade. Teachers are encouraged to utilize devices as instructional tools. There is a team of Digital Integration Specialists that work within the district that provide PD for teachers on technology and model and plan lessons for students. We opened the Innovation Learning Lab last year and were able to provide opportunities for teachers to use an array of materials in their classroom to enhance learning. Through the Innovation Lab, we found that the demand was much greater than the supply. This opportunity would allow for more innovative tools to be in the hands of learners.